The following is my OPA1632D schematic. Input is a signal from voltage sensor or current sensor. Currently NO input signals yet go in and the differential output is only followed by a comparator.
The temperature is 63.9C at 22C ambient. It seems it can't work for a real-life circuit under this high temperature.
First I use LME49724 with thermal PAD but I made a mistake to tie the thermal pad to ground, then I found this replacement without thermal pad.
I don't understand why? What makes the temperature so high? What is your suggestions to help my circuit work?
Before I use differential OPA, I use a non-differential OPA and the temperature is 37.2C at 22C ambient. Does differential OPA get hotter than non-differential OPA under same conditions?
By the way, why the part number not recognized in the above required field?
Thanks for help in advance,
Hongmei Wan