I'm using 10 x INA209 in my design.
F= 100KHz
I'm having problem of accessing the ones which are configured to I2C ADDR by strappin A1 A0 to SDA / SCL (for exampleL addr 0x42 (A1=GND, A0=SDA))
The DS says :
"The state of pins A0 and A1 requires a value for the register pointer.
is sampled on every bus communication and should Writing to a register begins with the first byte
be set before any activity on the interface occurs"
Can you please expalin what is the point in time where the A1 A0 Being sampled
Are there any timing restrictaion for SCL / SDA in order for the address to be captured correctly?
Adding picture for accessing 0x42 - No Ack
Adding picture for accessing 0x44 - with Ack