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INA200: Latch Mode

Genius 12865 points
Part Number: INA200

Hello Team,

according page 7 data sheet CMPOUT should be high when RESET is high at power up:

But according to fig. 28 CMPOUT = low from the start:

Also the simulation shows that CMPOUT = low at the start, even when RESET = high.

Can you confirm that the simulation shows the correct behavior, please?

Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hi Hans,

    The datasheet quote is referring to comparator's behavior at power on, when supply voltage ramps from 0V to say 5V. In this situation, if /RESET is high, the comparator output will latch high even if comparator input is below threshold.

    The datasheet waveform is referring to behavior post power up, when supply voltage is stable. Your simulation is probably under similar working condition as well, not power-on transient. 

    Regards, Guang

  • Hello Guang, thanks for the comment about the power up. I simulated this and luckily the simulation shows exactly what you described!

    Thanks and Best Regards,
