Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV226, LMV228
We're using the LMV225 (WSON) to measure L-Band RF power. We're seeing a lot of variation, chip to chip in the output voltage.
We use a WB-SG1 signal generator to create a carrier at 1.4 GHz at a calibrated power level. The measured signal (Using an HP 427B power meter) is -23.5dBm. We're using a PCB trace 20dB directional coupler to sample the signal, and a 16dB (at 1.4GHz) gain amplifier (MAAL-010704) to bring the measured signal within a good range for the LMV225.
We're finding that the measured output voltage varies from 0.65V to 0.93V. (-32dBm to -24dBm) We've swapped MANY LMV225 chips between boards, and the measured voltage follows the LMV225 chips, not the boards. Swapping the amplifier has no real effect, so it seems stable. We've been very careful not to exceed the solder temperature of 260°C.
The 8dB variation in measured power is proving to be a big problem. We've had to replace a lot of the outlier LMV225 chips to bring their measured power close to the average. Not a workable solution going forward.
We're using the recommended circuit from the data sheet. Attached is our schematic.
Any help would be appreciated.