Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA656, TINA-TI
Thanks for your suggestion in the previous answer. The rise time of my signal is 30 ns and OPA656 looks very good for my application. I also tried to use it for a level shift. I defined the noninverting level shift parameters by using Analog Engineer’s Calculator to shift my voltage from [-2.5V 2.5V] to [0.5V 3V].
When I use the resistance values of Analog Engineer’s Calculator, the bandwidth decrease dramatically. When I decrease the resistance values 10 times, the bandwidth increases almost 11 times. Why does the resistance value of the noninverting port affect the bandwidth significantly?
Secondly, I would like to shift my voltage from [-2.5V 2,5V] to [1V 3.5V]. In this case, the simulation time is very long compared to the previous case. Moreover, the high state of the output voltage is around 3V instead of 3.5V (see below). What could be the reason for this?
Below you can find the Tina-ti file of my simulation circuit.
Best regards,