I am trying to utilise this as a sensitive comparator for fast pulses (<50ns) in a LIDAR enviroment. However, the device seems to suffer from massive amounts of hysteresis for frequencies ranging from DC to 200MHz. The amount varies depending on the setup, but the lowest it has been is 200mV (and as large as 600mV).
In terms of setup, it is fairly straightforward, with the device soldered onto an adaptor board and the rest of the circuit on a piece of stripboard. Different circuits have been attempted, but even the simplest case modelled in the reference design, https://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sbombu6 , leads to the hysteresis.
The behaviour is consistent across 3 copies of the device, at least in terms that there is severe hysteresis in all of them. Further, the circuit behaves as expected when a much slower comparator is used (though this one wouldn't work for the intended application).
Would you be able to help me understand where this could be coming from and how I could get around it?
Many thanks,