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impedance in terms of Ω || pF.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4340

We were earlier using OPA4340 (CMOS fabricated) for Shock detection application, but now we want to go with another part, but unable to compare input impedance in terms of Ω || pF.

As most of the data sheet comes with parameter like INPUT CAPACITANCE -Common-Mode Input Capacitance, Differential Input Capacitance.

Kindly tell how to convert it to Ω || pF. or how to compare it with input impedance.


  • Hi Tarun,

    I'm not sure I understand your question. OPA4340 specifies all four parameters of the Input Impedance (see below).

    Rin_diff=10Tohm, Cin_diff=3pF

    Rin_cm=10Tohm, Cin_cm=6pF

    If the part you plan on using ONLY specifies Cin_diff and Cin_cm but no Rin_diff and Rin_cm, for CMOS input op amps it is safe to assume them to be above 1Tohm.

    If you have further question, please specify what exact part you wish to use.