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ISO122: Type of insulation material and spacing between internal isolation capacitors

Part Number: ISO122

Related to ISO122 VDE0884 question answered by Alexander Smith..

I'm working through IEC 60601-1 certification, and would like to know the type of insulation material and spacing between the internal isolation capacitors.  Having this isolation barrier information will help the test lab complete our product evaluation.


  • Hi Jon,

    I've reached out to my team and should be able to get your answer soon.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Jon,

    My team said that the insulator is the mold compound. 

    I also wanted to note that the ISO122 is a legacy device from 20+ years ago. So, this device is not VDE/IEC certified. 

    Best regards,

  • Hi Eva, 

    I understand this is an old legacy part and that it's only rated single protection 1500V per UL file E181974.  However, I'm still considering testing this in our equally as old instrument at UL, and would like more information on the following if possible:

    - What is the internal distance between the isolation capacitors (input to output side), and thickness of this mold compound between them?

    - What type of material is this mold compound?


  • Hi Jon,

    The isolation barrier is the distance between two leads in the lead frame, however, I do not have a comment on what this distance is. 

    What are you testing if not for IEC certification?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Eva, 

    I'm investigating all available options to update our legacy device's IEC 60601-1 certification from Ed 3.1 to Ed 3.2.  The Ed 3.2 clause change that's impacting our device (and the ISO122P component) is in MOPP and MOOP, which states "Opto-couplers complying with IEC 60747-5-5:2007, or a later edition, are considered equivalent to the requirements of 8.8.2 for distances through solid insulation and 8.9.3 for spaces filled by insulating compound."  Since ISO122P is not certified to IEC 60747-5-5, one option is in-system test per 8.8.2 and 8.9.3.  8.8.2 requires a minimum 0.4mm thick distance through insulation, which is why I'm asking about this distance inside the part.  If I know it meets this 0.4mm requirement, then I may choose to proceed down the testing path.


  • Hi Jon,

    Since the ISO122 is not an optocoupler, these standards don't apply to our device. 

    Best regards,


  • I've discussed that with the test lab, but they insist that additional testing is required for any isolation device that doesn't meet IEC 60747-5-5, even if it's not an optocoupler.  IEC 60601-1 needs to be updated to clarify this situation, since the test labs are taking a stance that doesn't make sense.

    Are you able to provide the distance through the insulation or between the two leads in the frame (mentioned earlier)?  If not I'll attempt to proceed without this information.



  • Hi Jon,

    Unfortunately, I do not have the distance between the two leads. I hope you are able to complete your testing without this. Good luck!

    Best regards,
