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LM2904LV-Q1: Voltage follower question

Part Number: LM2904LV-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2904-Q1, LM2904BA-Q1, TLV9002-Q1, LM2902BA-Q1


Hi Team,

As title, we want to use LM2904LV-Q1 as voltage follower architecture. From my understanding, Vout = Vin when Vin < V+

Our V+ is 3.3V and V- is GND. My purpose is that Vout = Vin when V+<3.3V and when Vin>3.3V(no larger than 5V), the Vout = 3.3V.

Can LM2904LV-Q1 fulfill our requirement? If not, can you propose a 2ch OPA solution for me?



  • Hey Roy,

    Yes, the LM2904LV-Q1 will not phase invert like the LM2904-Q1 would, per figure 6-21 in the datasheet. Please make sure that if the input voltage exceeds VCC, current into the pin is limited to <10mA.


  • Hi Jerry,

    Thanks for confirmation. Previously, we used LM2904BA-Q1, but met the issue.

    As below circuit, our VDD is 3.3V and V+ is 5V. I expected that the pin1 is 3.3V because the Vout would be clamped at 3.3V. But Vout here was only 2V.

    Do you have any comment for the phenomenon?



  • Roy,

    You need a rail to rail input and output op amp. Such as TLV9002-Q1. Populate R181 to limit input current for VIN > VCC

    LM2902BA-Q1 is not rail to rail input nor output.

    LM2904LV-Q1 is not rated for rail to rail input nor output.

  • Hi Ron,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I search the single power/dual power/rail-rail OPA in google. 

    May you help let me know if my understanding is correct or not?

    For LM2904-Q1, the max Vout is (V+)-2V and min Vout is (V-)

    For TLV9002-Q1, the max Vout is (V+)+0.5V and min Vout is (V-)-0.5V. 

    Do we have more accurate rail to rail OPA? Maybe +/-0.1V for Vout(max) and Vout(min)

    To limit current, if our V+(max) = 5V, R181 that we selected should be 5V/10mA = 500ohm(above the value).

    Is it correct?



  • Roy,

    The LM2904-Q1 linear input range is V- to V+ - 2. 

    The TLV9002-Q1 damage free input range is (V-) -0.2 to (V+) + 0.2. 

    Look at output section VOL and VOH for output range specification. 

    If the only goal was barely avoiding damage then 500 ohms is fine. 4.99k is a better value.

    Lastly remove C142. It could cause oscillation.