Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA149
Regarding to INA148, INA149, please share the equation to calculate common mode voltage range.
And also, could you describe common mode voltage range calculation example with below condition ?
Vref = 1.65V
In my usage, INA148 or INA149 is used for bi-directional current detection with shunt register.
There is a switch IC to change current direction. So INA148/INA149 can be located on the both high side and low side dynamically.
In high side case, V+ is 200V, power source voltage. In low side case, V+ is GND.
The amplifier output is captured by 3.3V MCU ADC. Vref is half of 3.3V.
In my understanding, in this condition, common mode voltage range should be larger than 0-200V.