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i want to amplifi a small negetive signal with amplitude=-10mv, rise_time=8ns, fall_time=30ns and width=40ns. my supply voltage is vs+=2.5v, vs-= -2.5v .

according to the datasheet of ths4303evm i expect that the vout=10vin, in practical when i connect the board i didnt see anything what i expect.

i saw on the scope  that offset voltage  added to the input signal, and the output signal also with offset voltage but without a negative small signal that i inserted in the input,

in other words in the output i see only a dc voltage. what is the problem? help me please.

  • Hi Nikolay,

    I have a few questions that might help us figure out what's going on. What are you using to provide the input signal to the amplifier? Can you post a 'scope shot of your input and output signals? Have you made any modifications to the original EVM configuration?


    Jason Blackman