Dear People!
I'm trying to amplifying a signal from three different microphone one from Knowles (NR23158) it's a bidirectional mic and one from Knowles (EK23132) it's an omnidirectional mic and from a usual round mics ( I don't even no what kind it is!). I've been using many many different designs to amplify the signals coming from these mics. I asked a questions on TI forum before, here is a link,
I tried all the diagram on this post, including some others and the one in this article,
Here is the problem!
I've used three differen op amp, K324 , LF347 and OPA 2314 . For some reasons (unknown to me!) with the same gain on the op amps K324 has a much bigger amplitude in the output than LF347. The amplitude from the round mics are even bigger than the ones from Knowles EK23132 and that's bigger than NR23158. The design for the K324 (or C324C) and for LF347 is very simple. Basically, I only have a high pass filters in the input with a 1Hz cut off frequency and the rest are just some resistors and coupling capacitors to adjust the gain (very very simple design!) . For C324C I needed to apply V/2 to one of the inputs but for LF347 I just connect that other input to the ground. Anyway, It seems like the results from LF347 gives me a higher SNR ratio ( I tested all these, so take my word!) . knowles mics ( I'm using a built in preamp for the knowles mics to get higher amplitude and the round mics both have an almost same SNR ratio which is weird, knowles mics are much more expensive and they're suppose to have a higher SNR ratio.
BTW, My goal is to get a higher gain ( I should be able to hear the output easily for all the mics) and a small noise.
I tried to change my design and solve this problem and that was the first time I posted on the TI forums. I had this idea that OPA2314 should give me a better result so I went with that. There was an incredible article I tested the amplifier with my mics but the result is not good AT ALL! The gain is small with the same gain and the noise is higher than all the other designs. Here is the deal, I don't want to cut any frequency off, the one in the article had many filters to cut of the frequency, I don't need that, I can easily do that with the computer. What I need is a very low noise and a high amplitude, HIGH SNR!
Anyway, so I tried to use that simple simple design in the OPA 2314 ( also OPA is 2 channels and the other ones are 4 channels, so I didn't even have the bleeding from one channel to another since I used both channels on the OPA for one mic), It doesn't work! I can see it's amplifying the signal, but it's not what it should be. First I connected one of the inputs to ground and tried to amplify my signal through the other channel, I didn't get any output, then I applied V/2, I get the output but the amplitude is too small even with a very high gain. The amplitude is a little bigger for round mics comparing to knowles ones. I modeled the circuit in TINA TI, everything is working perfectly there, but in real world not so much!
I tested my OPA and LF347 on TINA TI and for the simple circuit they both seem to have a same noise in the output! WHY?! I thought OPA 2314 should give me a better result. Well in real world OPA is not working, so I'm kind of stuck with LF347.
I need another design with the OPA that would actually gives me the CORRECT GAIN and small noise from the circuit.
A little bit more detail, I'm trying to amplify the signal for 3 bidirectional and one omni at the same time. Omni always have a higher amplitude than the bidirectional ones, so I might have to go with a bigger gain with the bidirectional mics. Also, the amplitude from the knowles mics are always lower than the ones in the round mics.