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TL03x Schematic Resistor Values

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL034A, TL032, TL074, LF347, TL081


I am a student who is doing an analysis project on the TL03x OPAMP. Looking at the data sheet at the equivalent schematic of the OPAMP, there are no resistor values listed in the schematic. How can I go about obtaining these values?


Thanks in advance

  • Samin,

    I do not have the values for the TL032. Using the data sheet charts and LF347 and TL074 schematics I can estimate the values.

    On the TL081 you can measure R1 and R2 using the external pins (about 1.1k)
    R5 is 20k; R3 = 36k; R4 = 100 ohms;  R6 = 180 ohms; R7 = 86 ohms; R8 could be 80 to 300 ohms (sets bias current).