Good evening,
I`ve been testing in the last couple of hours the given oscilloscope circuitry (Low Noise Amplifier + Input resitive divider) from the LMH6518 datasheet, and i obtained strange values. For instance, on the top loop (LNA), on the output (VIN+ for the LMH6518) i get a dc offset over the ac signal, of few hundred mV, wich i assume it shouldnt be there. Oh, and the resistive divider is unstable from DC->1MHZ.
On page 31, it says the IN- is biased to 2.5v, due to the R6,R9 voltage divider. With a +5V power supply. With R6 and R9 being 200ohms, you will get a 25mV bias.
I got some spice models for LMV841, and JFET MMBF5486, and i`m not sure its models related. Is the pspice model for LMV841/842 correct?
Has anyone tested the circuitry described in the datasheet?
Best regards,