We use power filter based on OPA2228 to power the high sensitivity transimpedance amplifier. The filter is shown in the picture below. Since the transimpedance amplifier has the input stage based on discrete transistors, PSRR is low. Any noise of the OPA2228 filter is directly propagated to the output of the amplifier. The input and power voltage of the power filter ±11V; the current supplied to the amplifier is 8-10 mA. Total capacitive load of the filter is 0.2 uF on each rail.
During testing the excessive RMS noise (tens of uV) was found on the output of the transimpedance amplifier. The reduction of R13, R15 from 33R to 5R improved (reduced) RMS noise by 40%. Shorting R13, R15 causes the power filter stability problem. The derived conclusion is that excessive noise comes from the power filter based on OPA2228.
PSpice simulation does not show any of these effects. Since the device is going to mass production, there is still uncertainty about the validity of the improvement, schematic correctness, and the choice of the opamp for the filter. Could you please advise?