I am using OPA656 to measure the power spectral density of the gate current of 745 pA.
I am using a VI on labview for the noise spectral density measurements. Please find attached the Sv obtained on the ouput of the amplifier. (The front panel of my labview).
The gate bias of -3V is on the non-inverting input of the amplifier (with a socket specially for this). Please see the figure below.
The gate of the transistor is connected to the inverting input of the amplifier.
The feedback resistor is of R6=1 kOhm on the backside of DEM-OPA-SO-1A.
Can you identify the problem ?
What is the minimum current that can be measured with the OPA656 operating at +/- 5V with 2 voltage dividers ? Is it of 2 pA as mentioned in the datasheet ?
Thank you for your answers,
Kind regards,