Hello TI,
I intend to use xtr110 for i/p = 1-5 V and o/p = 4-20mA and I have developed a prototype for the same.
The connections are as shown in fig. (as per datasheet)
pin 5 is used as i/p while pin 3 & 4 are shorted to common.
While testing with this configuration I got 22V at pin 14 which as per my knowledge is not desirable.
Voltage at pin 11 is 0V which suggests that xtr110 is not turned on.
After that I disconnected pin12 and 15 from pin 3 and left shorted 12 and 15 open, but no luck.
I have checked all the connections and they are properly done.
I tried this with 4 xtr110 ic's but it gives same result.
I'm bit confused as I couldn't find exact configuration of pin 15 and 12, please guide me where I'm making mistake.
Shrikant L