Hello ,
I 'm driving a 16bits SAR ADC (from ADI) using the OPA890. The driver consists of 2 single OPA890 to generate at the ADC inputs two signals in opposite phase with respect to the ADC common mode voltage. The RC filter between the amplifier output and the ADC input is R=10R and C=620pF. The ADC is running at 10MSPS. And the amplifier power supplies are +6V and -2.5V
When measuring the ADC INL, I found in particular sharpe INL discontinuty at 16000 , 32000 and 48000 (i.e at Fs/4, FS/2, and 3*FS/4). (red line trace in figure here below)
Same resultats are noticed for a similaire amplifier from AD (AD8014). (bleu trace)
However , when using the OPA836, the ADC INL is very nice ( no more shapes discontinuty are presents): the amplifier is here power supplied with 4,7V and -0.7 V. (green data)
Can you help me to understand this? . What is the amplifier specification to take into-account or to be considered here in order to be able to chosse the right amplifier . (I cannot keep the OPA836 since its power supplies are not forseen on already avaiable boards) I 'm planning to do these tests using your OPA683/OPA684 or OPA690 .