I would like some advice regarding the OPA228 op-amp.
I am using the opamp in a preamp project that I am currently working on. It is configured as a non-inverting with a gain of 4.4 by using a 5.1K resistor betwean pin 6 and pin 2 and a 1.5K resistor betwean pin 2 and ground. I also have a 220pf silver mica capacitor connected across the 5.1K resistor.
I have noticed that there is distortion on the output of the OPA228 at some frequencies. I have managed to improve the matter by swaping the 1.5K resistor with a 2.7K resistor but its still there and noticeable with some recordings. Its mostly noticeable at 3khz to roughly 6khz. Could the silver mica capacitor be turning into a short circuit at some frequencies?
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Best Regards,