Is LMH6702(SOT23 PKG) datasheet specification tested with LMH730316?
At the customer evaluating of LM6702(SOT-23) with LMH730227, the distortion data is worse about 10dBc from the datasheet typical value.
Could you please let me know the reason of this difference?
Is this difference influence of EVM ?
Please see the follwing as the detail.
<Measurement Result>
Inverting circuit, G=-1 , Scheamtics is same as Figure 25.
5MHz,10dBmOut(RL=10ohms), HD2/HD3 = -72dBc/-86dBc
In the datasheet P.5 HD2/HD3 = -100dBc(typ) / -96dBc(typ)
Best Regards,
Ryuji Asaka