Dear Sir,
LMH6881 sometimes keeps Amp Power Off situation after Vcc powering up under Serial Mode (SPI Compatible) until writing Register 2 to power on.
Pin connections are as follows;
SPI pin : directly connected to Vcc
SDO(D0) pin : Open
SDI(D1) pin : Lo level input / FPGA
CLK(D2) pin : Lo level input / FPGA
CS(D3) pin : Lo level input / FPGA
SD pin : connect to GND through 270ohm
As SDO is open (not use read-back by FPGA), then I could not check Register 2 status when the device was power-up.
Questions are;
- Isn't LMH6881 always power on status at powering up under serial mode?
- Abut pin connections, especially above SPI, SDO, SD connections are okay? Is there any suggested connections including unused even disable pin like SD? SPI pin becomes Vcc from zero volt at powering up.
I understand default Register 2 is power ON(0,0) and SD pin is disabled at serial mode.
I expect that the device is always power on status just after powering up at the serial mode.
Best regards,