According to OPA625 datasheet the nominal input bias current in High-Drive mode is +2uA, and the input offset current is 20nA. While simulating the SPICE model of OPA625 in TINA-TI I've noticed that the input bias current is being +2uA into the positive input and -2uA into the negative input. This makes the input current to be 4uA, which is in direct contradiction with Ibias and Ioffset values defined in the datasheet. Seems like a problem in the model, but I would like to be sure. The device is being simulated in the same conditions defined in the datasheet: V+ = 5 V, V– = 0 V, MODE pin connected to V– pin, VCOM = VO = 2.5 V, gain (G) = 1, RF = 1 kΩ, CF = 2.7 pF, CLOAD = 20 pF, and RLOAD = 2 kΩ connected to 2.5 V.
Please let me know if the problem is in the model, the datasheet or in my understanding.
Thank you