The drawing below shows an OPA2314 in a constant current control circuit.
When the +5V supply is turned on, the DAC puts out 0.07V (0.7V and 0.8V are typos), and the OA drives the FET gate with 5V, since the 1.6V supply is not on yet.
When the VCC (1.6V) supply turns on, the OA output does not stop driving 5V even though the difference between -IN and +IN is much more than the OPA2314 input offset voltage worst case of +3.5mV.
This behavior is observed on about 10% of the units built.
The +5V supply is shared by the DAC and OPA2314 OA.
Other clues.
+ If a small amount of noise is injected in the +IN input after VCC is on, the OPA2314 starts behaving.
+ If the VCC supply voltage is increased so that the Vds voltage is greater than 200mV, the OPA2314 behaves normally.
thanks for any insights you might have.