I'm trying to use OPA335 as a unity gain buffer. I use a +/- 2.5V supply and my application (EEG active electrodes) makes the AZA, CMRR and 1/f noise features very appealing. High input impedance is also mentionned in the datasheet, but no specific values are listed. My application would typically require >1GOhm input impedance for frequencies under 100 Hz.
I'm trying to find out the input impedance using a 1A current generator in TINA-TI. With an AC analysis, the input impedance I get is the 220K resistor, so there must be something that I'm missing regarding the unity gain configuration of this amplifier. Otherwise, it would imply the OPA335 input impedance is negligeable to the 220k resistor.
Also, is there any particular reason why the input impedance is never specified in the datasheet?
Best regards,