Hi, crews:
I'm sorry, I am an user. And I'm surveying the datasheet of OPA2172.
Actually, at the beginning, I was trying to find out the voltage upper limit & lower limit of output offset (or say, Vol & Voh, high level output voltage & low level output voltage).
Then I found the parameter of "votlage output swing from rail" in OPA2172 datasheet, eg: it says typ=470mV @(Rl = 2K, Vs=+36V), after some short web surfering, I am still confused about what's the physical meaning of this parameter "Voltage output swing from rail" ? In the test condition, no input signal specified, so does it affect the signal gain accuracy ? What's the difference when compared with the slew rate ?
Please tolerate me, if I asked a stupid question. I don't know the exact definition of "Voltage output swing from rail", there are many sayings , I am not sure which is right.
Thank you
Have a nice day!