Adequacy of noise performance of fully differential amplifiers for driving high-speed 16-bit ADCs can be determined by comparing the noise figure of the amplifier to the noise figure of the 16-bit ADC. The typical noise figure of a high performance 16-bit pipeline ADC is 30dB to 33dB, while that of an FDA, like the THS77006, is 10.5dB to 13dB. The 20dB (or so) lower noise figure shows the THS770006 will be able to drive a 16-bit ADC will little impact on its noise performance.
Jim Karki (High Speed Amplifier Systems Engineer) says...
More recently designs have become increasingly ADC-centric, in terms of performance, and for noise, ADC SNR is seen as driving the selection of components, in particular the ADC drive amplifier and filter. The design goal is to minimize the impact on the published specification of the ADC.
Read Jim Karki's complete analysis: