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OPA860: Control-Loop Amplifier

Part Number: OPA860

I do not quite understand the Control-Loop Amplifier Using Two OPA860s as shown in Fig 55 of the data sheet. Can someone please explain that with a real life example and values? Thanks.

  • Hi Mazdak,

    The control-loop amplifier operation is provided on page 19 in the datasheet. Please let us know if this helps in understanding the OPA860: control loop operation better.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Mazdak,

    This circuit is explained in greater detail in this app note on page 15, Using the given values in a possible real life example, say you wanted a power rail set to exactly Vref for any load current waveform. You could use Vout as this power rail, by connecting it back to Vin. If the power rail rose for any reason, the feedback loop would try to reduce the voltage, and vice versa. At frequencies below 1/(2pi*10p*33ohms), it acts like an integrator and at frequencies higher than this the feedback is proportional, for PI control.

    Best regards,
