Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2107, LOG114, LMP7721, LMC6001, OPA627, OPA365
Dear experts;
In the frame of developing a low-light sensing experimental board, I recently acquired a LOG114EVM development board. With included components and the reference current source locked at 500nA, the default range is stuck between 10nA and 10mA, for a floor output voltage Vout of 1.15V.
My application uses a low dark current photodiode VTB1013BH, sensitive in the green region (0.3A/W) in photovoltaic mode. Dark current is at most 20pA while full illumination outputs 1uA (5 decades). To obtain a full response from the LOG114EVM board, I need a current amplification of 1000. Precision low bias current OPA2107 and 1% resistors are available, what kind of circuitry do I need to feed the LOG114EVM a 1000 scaled current from the photodiode in photovoltaic mode?