Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UA741, LM393
I am working on a project with a boost converter where i need a sample and hold to keep the power value for a short period of time (10 - 50 ms). I have the circuit mounted on a PCB and the S&H works fine until it starts commutate the MOSFET.
here is lf398 datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lf198-n.pdf
my schematic

and if i manually modify the power with and external power resistor it also works as u will see in next image

So when my MOSFET starts to commutate while the sample period is on the S&H outputs the same than input (OK) but when is holding time the capacitator starts to charge up to Vcc voltage.
Here Blue is S&H output and red intput in detail to see what really happens. Next one is what happens when it starts to commutate
Thins that i tried:
- mounted the same S&H circuit with all caps that says on datasheet on and external protoboard and it did the same thing.
- make commutate the mosftet with an external function generator
- try the same two first point with another LF398 IC
I would be very thankfull if anyone can help me and figure out what is going on with this S&H