Hi Team,
We now carry out the current sampling test, the test circuit is shown in the figure,signal frequency is 47kHz.
At first,we use the device is BW is 3.5MHz , SR is 8V/us,and the result is shown below:
Now we use the LMV722,and the result is:
I think it is because the GBW is too big to introduce noise, so I changed C2 to 100pF and got the result
I want to know the following question:
- For the current situation, is a small BW more suitable for this situation?
- According to my understanding, the higher the bandwidth, the faster the response speed. Even if I add a filter, my bandwidth is still relatively large. Why is there a greater delay?
- For BW and SR, is SR more important for large signals (Vout>2V)? In this application, does BW or SR affect the final result? Is it related to large and small signals
- How can I optimize the results to achieve the two ideal effects of the picture
Thanks for your help!