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OpenMP 4.0 Issues when compiling on EVMK2H

Hi guys!

 I'm researching how OpenMP 4.0 examples works in order to understand the basics of OpenMP in heterogeneous platforms.

All of the MCSDK-HPC packge out of the box examples works, but when i started modifying an OpenCL example (matmpy) to use OpenMP instead of OpenCL things changed.  

I have modified OpenCL matmpy example to use OpenCL using veccadd OpenMP example. Apparently the modification is not to complex, but when i try to compile target code and host code files clacc gives me an error saying:  

"INTERNAL ERROR: omps2s6x experienced a segmentation fault while processing function (unknown or file scope) file (unknown) line 0"

I have tried to modify OpenMP pragmas to simplify them, but the error persists and it's kind ambigous so i can't figure out what's happening. Have anyone any idea about what is happening? 

I have attached Makefile, target and host files as a zip file.

Thanks in advance, Pablo.