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TLV320ADC3101: Audio crosstalk problem:

Part Number: TLV320ADC3101

寄存器配置LINE IN (IN1R  IN1L通道)时, MIC1 MIC2输入说话声比较大时会串入到LINE 模式下也能听到点声音;同样寄存器配置为MIC1(IN2R)  MIC2(IN2L)输入时,LINE IN输入音量调到最大也会串到MIC1(IN2R)  MIC2(IN2L)模式下能听到点声音;
Audio crosstalk problem:
When the register is configured with LINE IN (IN1R IN1L channel), MIC1 and MIC2 will be strung into LINE mode when the voice is loud. Similarly, when the register is set to MIC1 (IN2R) and MIC2(IN2L), the input volume of LINE IN is set to the maximum, and some sound can be heard IN MIC1 (IN2R) and MIC2(IN2L) mode.
寄存器配置page1 register 52 配置0xffff  page1 register 54配置0x3f  page1 register 55 配置0xffff  page1 register 57配置0x3f  去除所有输入选择了,但MIC1、MIC2还是有声音输入,和正常的有较大差异。LINE IN通路要声音比较大的时候才会有异常的呲呲声
Register Configuration Page1 Register 52 0xFFFF Page1 Register 54 0x3F Page1 Register 55 0xFFFF PAGE1 Register 57 0x3F All inputs are removed and selected, but MIC1 and MIC2 still have sound input, which is quite different from normal. You have to LINE IN a path when it's really loud