We are planning to use TPA6120A2 device as audio driver to drive headphone with load impedance of 600 ohm to drive upto 500 mW.
To evaluate the device I have used 20 pin SOIC device and connected the resistors by referring datasheet.
Rs=10 ohm, Rf=1.5k, Rb=1.5k, Ro=36 ohm on both left and right channels. Left and Right inputs are configured as single ended.
Balanced Input is given as single ended w.r.t. ground to left and right channel.
Expected output is balanced output (Left output and Right output are in 180 degree phase shift).
This balanced output is expected to drive 600 ohm load for upto 500 mW.
When weI have tested we found that distortion has increased to 13.29% for balanced output level of 12.6V across 600 ohm.
we request you provide maximum driving capabilty (voltage level) across 600 ohm load for +/- 15V supply.
Or suggest any equivalent driver.
Jagdish and Pavan