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TAS5828M: Amplifier turns very hot really fast

Part Number: TAS5828M
Hi everybody,
I need help with a custom design I developed using the TAS5828M.
The amplifier is actually able to play audio, the I2S signal is coming from a microcontroller with bluetooth, and the sound quality is also really really good.
The problem is that the chip starts getting very hot (within a few seconds) as soon as I power the device with the PVDD power source, that is a stable 24V coming from a brick power supply. Even if no audio is playing or if the volume is kept at minimum, the device starts heating up and so does the heatsink.
I attach a picture of the schematics. I've pretty much followed the same schematics I found on the datasheet.
I was also using a 20mmx20mmx10mm heatsink to dissipate the heat, but I thought it was a bit undersized, so I switched to a 40mmx40mmx11mm and the cooling is getting better but the device and the heatsink are still heating up considerably after some minutes. Only the use of a small cooling fan actually helps solving the problem.
Is there something I did wrong on the schematics? Or it's more likely a problem with the design of the PCB? In this case I can attach the Gerber file if you need to.
Thanks for any reply,