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TAS5828M: TAS5820M, PBTL, Hardware Mode, no output.

Part Number: TAS5828M


I am trying to run TAS5828M in hardware mode.  There is no output. Below are some details I can share.

1. Connected R6 (Pin 13 - ADR (HW_MODE) to DVDD with 0Ohms resister to switch to Hardware mode. Voltage on ADR pin is 3.3V.

2. Pin 10, 11, 12 are connected to DVDD with pull up resisters with 10k, 15k, 10k value respectively. (used 1K, 10K pull up resisters for Pin-11, didn't work)

3. I am getting 13.50-16.60V on PVDD

4. Getting 3.3V on DVDD pins

5. Pin-5 (SCL/ HW_SEL0) is connected to DVDD, getting 3.3V on SCL Pin.

6. Pin-6 (SDA/HW_SEL1) is connected to GND (manually), getting 0v on SDA pin.

7. Voltage at Pin-11 is 0, even tho I have pull up resister of 10k connected to DVDD.

8. On PVDD, instead of 390uF, I am using 470uF capacitors.

9. 3.3V on PDN

10. ~5.07V on Pin-2 (AVDD)

11. ~5.13V on Pin-3 (GVDD)

12. ~3.3V on GPIO-2

13. 0V on GPIO1

14. 3.24 on GPIO0

15. ~3.28V on pin 14.

16. 4.48V on PIN 29,25,24,20

17. 2.6 to 3V on pin 30 & 19.

it seems I should get 1.5V on pin 14, but its ~3.3V and also voltage on Fault pin (pin-11) is always 0V.

Attaching the schematic I am following.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Hi Mayuresh

    about pin5 and 6 , they are used for hardware configuration.

    we have table8-5 and 8-6 explain what resistance should be used.

    it seems like you are using 2.2kohm, this value is not on the table.



  • Hi Jesse,

    SCA & SDA pins are connected to DVDD and GND as per the tables you referred to. 

    HW_SEL0 Pin5 - 0 Ω to DVDD 29.5 VP/FS PBTL
    HW_SEL1 Pin6 - 0 Ω to GND

    I have manually replaced those 2.2kohms resisters to follow the examples and table details available in datasheet. I hope I am following the correct resister options. 

    Anything you find worth pointing out please let me know.



  • Hi Vaidua

    let me confirm with our team and reply you tomorrow.



  • Hi Vaivda

    1. does this situation happen on 1 chip or other chip also have the problem?

    as pin14 should be 1.5v, now the voltage is over spec which lead to fault pin keep low.

    for 1.5v is generated by inside of chip, is that possible chip have any problem?

    2. pvdd is a range of voltage, is that mean your power supply is unstable? or you do that on purpose?

    can you take a try using stable power supply to see whether it can be solved.

    3. 4.48V on PIN 29,25,24,20

    this is a little strange, it is a stable DC? or it is PWM waveform?

    usually, PWM should be observed at these pin.

    4. have you confirm all the GND on the board including the GND of chip.




  • Hi jessie,

    I changed the IC and everything remains the same, except with new IC i get 1.5 at PIN-14. PVDD is now fixed at 16.45V stable.  4.4V DC at PIN 29,25,24,20. No PWM. Do you think there is something wrong with the schematic I followed? GND on the chip is not connected to ground.



  • Hi Mayuresh

    all GND has to be connected together on the board.

    can you i2c work normally?

    is that possible to read the register 0x68, 0x70, 71, 72, 73.

    we can see what fault and status happen with these registers.

