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PCMD3140: How to initialize for two mics to I2S output

Part Number: PCMD3140

I am trying to get a PCMD3140 working with two PDM mics connected to PDMDIN1_GPI1 (one mic has the select high and one has select low) and both getting their clocks from PDMCLK_GPO1. The output is configured as I2S. I am able to get get audio from CH1 (the mic with select low), but CH2 is always just 0's. I believe that I have followed the initialization sequence shown in the data sheet's Detailed Design Procedure, but I still get nothing from CH2. Pseudocode for my initialization is:

Reg Name Reg Addr Data Description
      // Delay 1ms
SLEEP_CFG P0_R2 0x81 // Wake-up device by write into SLEEP_CFG register using internal AREG
      // Delay 1ms
ASI_CFG0 P0_R7 0x70 // Set 32-bit I2S mode
ASI_CH1 P0_R11 0x00 // Ch1 -> left slot 0 for I2S
ASI_CH2 P0_R12 0x20 // Ch2 -> right slot 0 for I2S
CH2_CFG0 P0_R65 0x40 // ch2 mic input is enabled
BIAS_CFG P0_R59 0x00 // Configure MICBIAS_GPI2 pin as MIC_BIAS = Vref (2.750 V, 2.500 V, or 1.375 V)
GPO_CFG0 P0_R34 0x41 // Configure GPO1 as PDMCLK,  driven active-low and active-high
GPI_CFG0 P0_R43 0x40 // Configure GPI1 as PDMDIN1 and GPI2 as disabled
IN_CH_EN P0_R115 0xC0 // Enable Input Ch-1 and Ch-2. Disable Input Ch-3 and Ch-4
ASI_OUT_CH_EN P0_R116 0xC0 // Enable ASI Output Ch-1 and Ch-2. Disable ASI Output Ch-3 and Ch-4
PWR_CFG P0_R117 0x60 // Power-up ADC and PLL
// Start I2S clocks

Note that after the I2S clocks are started, if I read the DEV_STS0 register, I get 0xC0, which indicates that CH1 and CH2 are powered up. The left I2S slot has the Ch1 audio, while the right I2S slot has all 0's.

I've tried swapping the initialization of ASI_CH1 and ASI_CH2 so that CH1 goes to the right slot 0 and CH2 goes to left slot 0. This causes the Ch1 to come out in the right slot, but nothing comes out on the left slot.

I tried looking at the data on the PDMDIN_GPI1 pin and I see that there is data on both the rising and falling edges, so it appears that both mics are functioning.

Is there something obvious that I'm missing in my initialization?