Hey all,
im trying to use the biquad filters in the pcmd3140, but the registers that are holding the coefficients seem read only.
What i do:
- Write 00 00 to switch to page 0
- Write 02 81 to wake the device from sleep
- Wait 12 ms to allow the device to wake from sleep
- Write 00 02 to switch to page 2
- Write 08 1F to write page 2 register 0x08 with value 0x1F
- Write 00 02 to switch to page 2 (probably not required, but should do nothing worst case)
- Read 08 to read page 2 register 0x08, result is 0x7F
What i expected to happen:
Page 2 Register 0x08 reads the new value 0x1F
What actually happens:
Page 2 Register 0x08 reads the reset value 0x7F
Other registers on page 0 and 1 work as expected. Therefore i think my i2c communication is correct.
Am i missing something else i need to do before writing the registers?