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TAS5828M: Speaker impedance with TAS5828M

Part Number: TAS5828M
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS3251

Hello everybody,

does anyone have any suggestions about which speaker to use in combination with the TAS5828M amplifier?

First of all, the amp is set in BTL mode, 1SPW modulation, and powered by a stable 24v.

I'm wondering which of these two speakers best fit the amp:

1) 30W RMS, 4 ohm, 87.5 dB sensitivity. Reference: Dayton Audio RS100-4

2) 40W RMS, 8 ohm, 89.4 dB sensitivity. Reference: Markaudio CHR-90

I'd like to use the second speaker, but I'm a little bit worried about the overall volume output considering it's a 8ohm speaker, regardless of the slightly high sensitivity.

The amp documentation is a little bit confusing for me about output performance for 8 ohm loads, nor have I the required knowledge to have a clearer idea about that.

Any suggestion or technical consideration about the amp will be highly appreciated.


  • Hi Gianluca

       Usually there won't be clear connection between the amplifier and the speaker types. Most of the time we only need to concern the Maximum current and power ability. TAS5828M's current ability is capable of both your Speakers, the power supply voltage would be the limitation of your output power. The amplifier output voltage would never higher than your supply, when using 24V as the sinewave peak, 8ohm speaker could get around 36W as Maximum unclipped output.

       I would suggest you to try both of your speakers, and check the overall audio performance.

  • Thanks for your reply!

    What about using two TAS5828M in mono mode with the 8ohm speaker? Could it be a good solution or the power will be too much for the driver to handle?

    Or maybe can you suggest me another amplifier model that best fits the same 8ohm speaker? (both stereo and mono mode are possible in my setup since I've no limitation in power supply).

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Gianluca

    What about using two TAS5828M in mono mode with the 8ohm speaker? Could it be a good solution or the power will be too much for the driver to handle?

    Only when current becomes the limitation, the mono mode would help. Right now it's the supply voltage not large enough.

    Or maybe can you suggest me another amplifier model that best fits the same 8ohm speaker? (both stereo and mono mode are possible in my setup since I've no limitation in power supply).

    If you really need that large power on 8ohm load, would need to use high power devices to support higher supply voltage using, but most of them are analog input. The only digital input device is TAS3251, you could check it first.