TPA3255: TPA3255

Part Number: TPA3255


Hi TI,

I have designed a Class D 240W audio amplifier with TPA3255 in PBTL configuration.  I have used two test conditions to measure the power dissipation of class D IC as follows

• Case 1

Vin - 52V

Iin - 6.9A

Pin - 358.8W

Pout Class D - 285.17W

We are using a transformer of 100V and the load resistance is 43ohm and the output of transformer is 240.178W.

The power dissipation in class D is around 73.62W.

•Case 2

Vin - 48V

Iin - 7.16A

Pin - 343.68W

Pout Class D - 284.98W

 The output of transformer is 236.769W.

The power dissipation in class D is around 49.57W.

Why the power dissipation in class D IC increased with the supply voltage even though the output from class D is same on both case?