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How to configure AIC3106 at 8 KHz sampling rate

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PLL1705


I would like to configure AIC3106 in my EVM OMAP L137/c6747 to have a sampling rate of 8KHz. I tried the following, but it doesnt seem to work. Any suggestions?

page 0. register 2=0xAA - means SampRateDiv=10 - that is , fsref/6

page 0 , register 3=14h (also tried 24h)- means, Q=2 (also tried 4), P=4

page 0 , register 4 =40h - means J=16

page 0 , register 5=0h

page 0 register 6=0h

page 0 register 7=0Ah - means dual rate=0 and fref=0

Also I tried the following:




K[J.D]=1.4512 (means regsiter c = 46h, register D=20h).

I assumed MCLK = 22.5792MHz.


required sampling rate = (MCLK * K)/(2048 * P) = (22579200 * 1.4512471) / (2048 * 2) = 8KHz

By the way, is the formula for Q the following?

Q=CLKDIV_IN / (fsref*128)

  • With this MCLK frequency, you will want to use the PLL. The second set of register values should work (P=2, J.D=14512). Q doesn't matter when using the PLL.

    Is the AIC3106 master or slave? Do you see the correct frequency on WCLK?

  • Thanks for your reply. I have tried enabling the PLL also- still it outputs at the sampling rate of 48KHz and not 8KHz.

    I am using the example program, audio_edma_c6747.prj and here they have used the following set up for 48 KHz (the example has been written for 48KHz sampling rate):

        // Configure AIC3106
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_PAGESELECT, 0 );       // Select page 0
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_RESET, 0x80 );         // Reset AIC3106

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
         *                                                                          *
         *  AIC3106 Setup                                                           *
         *                                                                          *
         *      AIC3106.MCLK = PLL1705.SCK02                                        *
         *      FS = ( AIC3106.MCLK * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                            *
         *                                                                          *
         *      For a FS=[48 kHz] & MCLK=[22.5792 MHz]                              *
         *          : 48kHz = ( 22.5792 MHz * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                    *
         *          : P = 2, K[J.D] = 8.7075                                        *
         *                                                                          *
         * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        // Configure AIC3106 registers
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x22 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0x20 );  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=8]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x6E );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x23 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=7075]

        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  7, 0x0A );  // 7 Codec Datapath Setup             <- [FS=48 kHz][LeftDAC=LEFT][RightDAC=RIGHT]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  8, 0x00 );  // 8  Audio Interface Control A       <- [BCLK=Slave][MCLK=Slave]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  9, 0x00 );  // 9  Audio Interface Control B       <- [I2S mode][16 bit]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  10, 0x00);  // 10 Audio Interface Control C       <- [Data offset=0]

        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  15, 0 );    // 15  Left ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  16, 0 );    // 16 Right ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  19, 0x04 ); // 19  LINE1L to  Left ADC            <- [SingleEnd][Gain=0dB][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  22, 0x04 ); // 22  LINE1R to Right ADC            <- [SingleEnd][Gain=0dB][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]

        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  27, 0 );    // 27  Left AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  30, 0 );    // 30 Right AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  37, 0xE0 ); // 37 DAC Power & Output Dvr          <- [LeftDAC=ON][RightDAC=ON][HPLCOM=SingleEnd]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  38, 0x10 ); // 38 High Power Output Dvr           <- [HPRCOM=SingleEnd][ShortCircuit=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  43, 0 );    // 43  Left DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  44, 0 );    // 44 Right DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  47, 0x80 ); // 47 DAC_L1 to HPLOUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  51, 0x09 ); // 51           HPLOUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  58, 0 );    // 58           HPLCOM Output         <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  64, 0x80 ); // 64 DAC_R1 to HPROUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  65, 0x09 ); // 65           HPROUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  72, 0 );    // 72           HPRCOM Output         <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  82, 0x80 ); // 82 DAC_L1 to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  86, 0x09 ); // 83 LINE2R to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  92, 0x80 ); // 92 DAC_R1 to RIGHT_LOP/M Volume    <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  93, 0x09 ); // 93           RIGHT_LOP/M Output    <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset( 101, 0x01 ); // 101 GPIO Control Register B        <- [CODEC_CLKIN = CLKDIV_OUT]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset( 102, 0 );    // 102 Clock Generation Control       <- [PLLCLK_IN and CLKDIV_IN use MCLK]

        // Initialize MCASP1
        mcasp = &MCASP_MODULE_1;

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
         *                                                                  *
         *  McASP1 is in MASTER mode.                                       *
         *      BCLK & WCLK come from McASP1                                *
         *      DIN is used by write16/write32                              *
         *      DOUT is usec by read16/read32                               *
         *                                                                  *
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

    From the above I infer that the person who wrote the example audio_edma_c6747.prj has used McASP1 in master mode and AIC3106 in slave mode. Also BCLK and WCLK comes from McASP

    I have used exactly the above except from register 2 to 6 as follows:

        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  2, 0xAA );//48KHz/6=8KHz
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0xA2 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=ON][Q=2][P=2
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0x04);//J=1 for 8KHz
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x46 );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=4512]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x20 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=4512]

    I tried enabling PLL and also disabling PLL, but still I cant get it to work. How to check the correct freq on WCLK ?

  • Also, I cannot enable PLL, because, if I enable PLL, the following conditions need to be met:

    (from AIC3106 datasheet page:30)

    When the PLL is enabled and D≠0000, the following conditions must be satisfied to meet specified performance:
    10 MHz ≤ PLLCLK _IN / P ≤ 20 MHz
    80 MHz ≤ PLLCLK _IN × K × R / P ≤ 110 MHz
    4 ≤ J ≤ 11
    R = 1

    Further explanation :

    since my PLLCLK_IN=22.5792MHz, my P cannot go greater than 2 (because of the condition: 10 MHz ≤ PLLCLK _IN / P ≤ 20 MHz) , thus, K would be 1.4512 and hence, the conditons below would not be met:

    When the PLL is enabled and D≠0000, the following conditions must be satisfied to meet specified performance:
    80 MHz ≤ PLLCLK _IN × K × R / P ≤ 110 MHz
    4 ≤ J ≤ 11

    Thats why I cannot enable PLL! is that explanation correct?

  • I have attached the project herewith for your reference. It is only the audio_edma_c6747 example with changes in only 4 lines in mcasp.c (the place where 8KHz sampling rate is configured instead of 48KHz sampling rate)

  • I measure the output (transmitting from the codec to the outside world via headphone) frequency using the following method:

    I fill the ping buffer fully with 0x7FFFFFFF and pong buffer fully with 0x0 and I use oscilloscope (CRO) and measiure the output square wave in the headphone jack out (connector). The period of one full square wave (positive side +negative side) is 3.3msec for 80 samples. Thus, I infer that sampling rate is 48KHz. No matter what values I use in registers 2 to 6 (that is EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  2, to 6)) I get only 3.3ms per period (the ping and pong buffers are 40 words long each- that is 80 samples per transmission)

  • Hi,

    Three conditions must be met to change the sample rate of the AIC3105.

    1. MCLK and the register settings must set the internal sample rate to the correct frequency.

    2. The Digital Audio Interface must be set to the correct sample rate

    3. The Digital Audio Interface must EXACTLY match the internal sample rate.

    1. Since your MCLK frequency will not divide evenly into 8 kHz, you will need to use the PLL. Here are the values I would recommend: R=1, P=2, J.D = 8.7075.
    These numbers will satisfy all of the PLL requirements and result in an FSref of 48 kHz. Now you can set Register 2 to 0xAA (FSref/6) and achieve an internal sample rate of 8 kHz.

    2. Since you have the AIC3105 set as the slave, you must now set the DSP digital audio interface such that WCLK is set to 8 kHz. You should be able to verify this with a scope by probing the WCLK line.

    3. The WCLK input must EXACTLY match the internal sample rate of the AIC3105 or you will have data errors. This is hard to do when the PLL is being used since there will be no easy way to insure that the PLL and the external WCLK signal will be at the same rate. Typically, if the PLL is used, the AIC3105 would become the master for the digital audio interface. This insures that WCLK would stay at the correct frequency since it would be generated by the PLL. Here is an app note on this subject:

  • Thank you for your reply. I tried to use codec as master and McASP as slave, but then, the interrupt service routine was not entered (please see:, so as an alternative method, I tried changing the external audio clock from 24.576MHz to 2.048MHz. I have set the registers such that the WCLK is 8KHz(I measured in the oscilloscope) and the ADC and DAC sampling rate of the codec(AIC3106) are 8KHz. But now, I get white noise+the desired audio signal output in the audio_edma_c6747 example. Also the output audio (which has white noise) is not clear.When I increase the ADC and DAC sampling rate of the codec from 8KHz to 32KHz, I get a more clear audio output(but still it has white noise). Also I observed that the quality of the output audio(but there is still white noise even for 32KHz-quality has improved in the sense, I can clearly hear the words in the audio output when using ADC and DAC sampling rate =32KHz, but I cannot hear the words clearly when using ADC and DAC sampling rate=8KHz. But there is some white noise in all the combinations) increases as I increase the ADC and DAC sampling rate from 8KHz to 16KHz, 24KHz, 32KHz.

    Any ideas to get rid of the white noise and get a clear audio output at ADC and DAC sampling rate=8KHz?

  • I changed the external clock to 2.048MHz by replacing the clock generator chip from 24.576MHz to another 2.048MHz chip

  • The red font ones are the only changes I have made after replacing the 24 MHz clock crystal chip with 2.048MHz clock crystal chip.

    // Configure AIC3106 registers
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  2, 0xAA );
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x22 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0x20 );  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=8]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x6E );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x23 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  7, 0x0A );  // 7 Codec Datapath Setup             <- [FS=48 kHz][LeftDAC=LEFT][RightDAC=RIGHT]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  8, 0x00 );  // 8  Audio Interface Control A       <- [BCLK=Slave][MCLK=Slave]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  9, 0x00 );  // 9  Audio Interface Control B       <- [I2S mode][16 bit]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  10, 0x00);  // 10 Audio Interface Control C       <- [Data offset=0]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  15, 0 );    // 15  Left ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  16, 0 );    // 16 Right ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  19, 0x04 ); // 19  LINE1L to  Left ADC            <- [SingleEnd][Gain=0dB][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  22, 0x04 ); // 22  LINE1R to Right ADC            <- [SingleEnd][Gain=0dB][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  27, 0 );    // 27  Left AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  30, 0 );    // 30 Right AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  37, 0xE0 ); // 37 DAC Power & Output Dvr          <- [LeftDAC=ON][RightDAC=ON][HPLCOM=SingleEnd]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  38, 0x10 ); // 38 High Power Output Dvr           <- [HPRCOM=SingleEnd][ShortCircuit=OFF]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  43, 0 );    // 43  Left DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  44, 0 );    // 44 Right DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  47, 0x80 ); // 47 DAC_L1 to HPLOUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  51, 0x09 ); // 51           HPLOUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  58, 0 );    // 58           HPLCOM Output         <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  64, 0x80 ); // 64 DAC_R1 to HPROUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  65, 0x09 ); // 65           HPROUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  72, 0 );    // 72           HPRCOM Output         <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  82, 0x80 ); // 82 DAC_L1 to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  86, 0x09 ); // 83 LINE2R to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- []
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  92, 0x80 ); // 92 DAC_R1 to RIGHT_LOP/M Volume    <- [Routed]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  93, 0x09 ); // 93           RIGHT_LOP/M Output    <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset( 101, 0x01 ); // 101 GPIO Control Register B        <- [CODEC_CLKIN = CLKDIV_OUT]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset( 102, 0 );    // 102 Clock Generation Control       <- [PLLCLK_IN and CLKDIV_IN use MCLK]

        // Initialize MCASP1
        mcasp = &MCASP_MODULE_1;

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
         *                                                                  *
         *  McASP1 is in MASTER mode.                                       *
         *      BCLK & WCLK come from McASP1                                *
         *      DIN is used by write16/write32                              *
         *      DOUT is usec by read16/read32                               *
         *                                                                  *
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

        mcasp->regs->GBLCTL  = 0;       // Reset
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset RX
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset TX
        mcasp->regs->PWRDEMU = 1;       // Free-running

        // RX
        mcasp->regs->RMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
        mcasp->regs->RFMT       = 0x00018078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus
        mcasp->regs->AFSRCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising, INTERNAL FS, word
        mcasp->regs->ACLKRCTL   = 0x000000A7; // Rising INTERNAL CLK,(from tx side)
        mcasp->regs->AHCLKRCTL  = 0x00000000; // INT CLK (from tx side)
        mcasp->regs->RTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1
        mcasp->regs->RINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->RCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256

        // TX
        mcasp->regs->XMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
        mcasp->regs->XFMT       = 0x00018078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus
        mcasp->regs->AFSXCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising edge INTERNAL FS, word
        mcasp->regs->ACLKXCTL   = 0x000000A7; // ASYNC, Rising INTERNAL CLK, div-by-16
        mcasp->regs->AHCLKXCTL  = 0x00000000; // EXT CLK
        mcasp->regs->XTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1
        mcasp->regs->XINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->XCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256

        mcasp->regs->SRCTL5     = 0x000D;     // MCASP1.AXR1[5] --> DIN
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL0     = 0x000E;     // MCASP1.AXR1[0] <-- DOUT
        mcasp->regs->PFUNC      = 0;          // All MCASPs
        mcasp->regs->PDIR       = 0x14000020; // All inputs except AXR0[5], ACLKX1, AFSX1

        mcasp->regs->DITCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->DLBCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->AMUTE      = 0x00000000; // Not used

        // Starting sections of the McASP
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON );  
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON );

        mcasp->regs->XSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all
        mcasp->regs->RSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON );

        // Write a 0, so that no underrun occurs after releasing the state machine
        mcasp->regs->XBUF5 = 0;
        mcasp->regs->RBUF0 = 0;

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON );

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XFRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RFRST_ON );

  • The white noise went away after I used the following values:

        // Configure AIC3106 registers
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  2, 0xAA );
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x11);//0x22 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0xC0);//0x20 );  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=8]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x0);//0x6E );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x0);//0x23 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=7075]

    The above means, I have configured WCLK of McASP = 2.048MHz, so MCLK of codec = 2.048KHz, P=1, K=48,J=48,D=0,R=1.Using these values Fsref=48KHz. The only problem is Q. I dont enable Q. So, I have to configure the correct value for Q. Q=CLKDIV_IN/(Fsref*128) = 2048000/(48000 * 128)=0.3333, unfortunately Q can neither be set to 0 nor to 0.333, not even 1.

    What should be the value of Q?

    But the audio output still sounds like coming from a deep well!

  • Sorry about the unclean version of code in last post. Here is a cleaner version:

        // Configure AIC3106 registers
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  2, 0xAA );//Fsref/6=8KHz
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x11);  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=2][P=1]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0xC0);  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=48]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x0);  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=0]
        EVMC6747_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x0);  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=0]