is it possible to get detailed description of the TSC2301? I mean a similar to the picture on the page 2 of SLAS371D but with a deeper level by at least two.
Why I am asking. From this picture I should get the output from OSC on pin GPIO_5. I have started the internal OSC, OSCC=1, BCKC=1, GPIO CONTROL REGISTER=0x3f3f. However the GPIO_5 is low. Probably it cannot be driven from the internal OSC which is not clear from the diagram.
Also the datasheet is very inconsistent. E.g. "This register also contains a bit, SDAVB which mirrors the state of the DAVB output line.". Neither SDAVB nor DAVB are defined at all. Next, the PENIRQ should be low during "Touch Screen Scan X, Y and Z PENIRQ Initiated" - it behaves as on TSC21xx. Down/up during coordinates.