Our customers have sevral questions.
Could you please tell us as follows?
Q1. Terminal Processing of Unused Pin
There is described that "But if AIN is not used, AIN must be open and the AMIX terminal must be low." on page 27 of the data sheet.
On the other hand, we found that there is evm schematics on page 21 of evm user's guide,
is jumper to connect one terminal of ac-coupling to gnd.
We believe that to reduce the noise, we should connect the capacitance between AIN and gnd.
When AIN is not used, please tell me the terminal processing that you recommend.
Q2. Bypass Capacitor
There is described that "The 10-uF capacitors must be tantalum or aluminium electrolytic." on page 28 of the data sheet.
If we use REG1117-3.3 that is described on page 19 of the user's guide as the linear regulator,
we believe that we must use tantalum capacitor or aluminium electrolytic capacitor that you recommend.
For example, if we use TPS79633, may we use ceramic capacitor?
Please refer as follow.
Q3. Digital De-emphasis
What is the purpose of the de-emphasis function?
We believe that by applying de-emphasis for the sound source that performed pre-emphasis processing,
it is a purpose to make both gain of low frequency and gain of high frequency a flat.
Is our opinion correct?
If you have the application note regarding digital de-emphasis, please send us it.
Best Regards,