Hi everyone,
I am trying to do a DAC device powered by the USB bus only. I am worried about the power consumption of this IC. I know this chip can draw up to 700mA to reach it's maximum power, but it seem also quite reasonable when it's powered with a lower VCC like the Hi-Fi Smartphone application (±5V). I need a 150mW/channel for a load between 16 to 64 Ohms. I need to know the value of VCC needed and the current drawn from the power supply. I have done some math and i have found:
VCC = ±7V (with a Vp=4.5V, I suppose that a dropout of 2.5V from power supply to output voltage occur.)
Currentmax= 115mA (Rload=16Ohms)
If someone could look at this, i would be very grateful.
Thanks, Mathieu.