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Guru 29710 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC12K

Hi Team,

I found VIH as the following but couldn't find VIL for digital input pin.
[TLV320AIC12K datasheet page.7]
(1) For VIH (Input high level), when IOVDD < 1.6 V, minimum VIH is 1.1V.
Could you tell me VIL(MAX) value?

Best Regards,
Yaita / Japan disty

  • Hello, Yaita-san,

    In the codecs, the VIH (input high level) uses to be 0.7*IOVDD when IOVDD > 1.6V and 1.1V when IOVDD < 1.6V. The VIL (input low level) uses to be -0.3V (min) and 0.3*IOVDD (max).

    I hope this helps you. If you still have questions, please let me know.

    Best regards,

    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.