We have questions about frame delay control.
For frame delay control, maximum number of delay samples is defined as 8191.
If we get the audio delay (in samples) which is greater than 8191, the audio delay would be limited to 8191.
1. If the audio delay (in samples) is greater than 8191, the actual delay time is limited as 8191/Fs?
Let me explain using following example.
If Fs=192kHz, Delay Frames = 1, Frame Rate = 59.94Hz, we can get Audio Delay samples = 3200 samples. (Delay samples < 8191)
So, we can get actual delay time as 3200/192khz=16.6ms.
In other case, if Fs=96khz, Delay Frames=1, Frame Rate=59.94Hz, we can get Audio Delay samples = 1601 samples. (Delay samples < 8192)
So, we can get actual delay time as 1601/96khz = 16.6ms that is the same delay as the previous calculation with fs=192khz and
it can be said that the delay time is independent on audio sample rate.
But, if Fs=192khz, Delay Frames = 3, Frame Rate = 59.94Hz, we can get Audio Delay samples = 9609 (Delay samples > 8191).
The audio delay samples is limited by 8191, we get actual delay time as 8191/192khz = 42.66ms.
So, the actual delay time is dependent on audio sample rate.
Is my understanding correct?
2. Do you have any other lip-sync delay IC which can handle more delay samples than TPA5050 can.