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PCM5102A-Q1: PCM5102A-Q1 Power on sequence

Part Number: PCM5102A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM5102-Q1, PCM5102


I would like you to confirm Power Sequence about PCM5102A-Q1.
I understood that user can separate DVDD and AVDD/CPVDD.

My customer try to supply DVDD and AVDD/CPVDD separately by using two power components(these are supplied same voltage(3.3V)).
Then, they have following concerns about this constitution.

For case1:
Is there possibility that PCM5102A-Q1 will be damaged or broken in this condition ?

For case2:
Is there possibility that PCM5102A-Q1 will be damaged or broken in this condition ?

Best Regards,


  • Hi, Machida-san,

    This device has a good power supply sequencing tolerance. As long as the Power On reset process is complete (both power supplies are stable and have a level above 2.8V), the device should not have any problems and will operate as expected. In case of sudden power loss, the device features a undervoltage protection system to avoid noise and pop issues.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi, Diego-san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understood about "case 1". However, I want you to continue to discuss about "case 2".

    For Case 2:

    I described about this case deeply as shown below.

    In this case, two Power components are used to supply voltage to PCM5102A-Q1.

    So, there is possibility that one of these will not work correctly. In this conditon, we want to confirm whether PCM5102A-Q1 will be damaged or broken or not.

    From your previous comment,

    "As long as the Power On reset process is complete (both power supplies are stable and have a level above 2.8V), the device should not have any problems and will operate as expected"

    I understood since POR process is NOT complete(because there is possibility that one of these power supply will NOT ramp up),the device may have problems(such as be damaged or broken.). 

    Is my understanding correct ?

    Best Begards,


  • Hi, Machida-San,

    For case 2, in either situation where one of the supplies is not turned ON, the DAC will remain in Reset state as POR process is not complete. The device will not have damage as it will remain in reset condition. Once the power supplies reach 2.8V, the POR process will start and the DAC will enter in normal operation when valid clocks are provided.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego-san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understood. By the way,can you say same thing for PCM5102-Q1(Non A version) as well ?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi, Machida-san,

    Both versions of the PCM5102 share the same digital circuitry, so the behavior should be the same.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer