I'm building a amplifier based on the TLV320AIC34 codec. The problem is that there are a lot of crosstalk - even if the codec has been resat, and all of the input/outputs therefore are deactivated. Let me give an exampel:
A cd-player with a 200mVrms output signal is connected to the Line1 input through a 1uF capacitor. The digital output is shortet to the digital input, which means, that I don't use an audio processor. A Power Amplifier (TPA3100D2) is connected to the Left Line output; again through a 1uF capacitor. Even though there should be no sound, there is a crackling sound in the loud passages of the music (still less than 200mVrms). If I touch the input instead of connection a cd-player to it, a loud humming is heard.
The problem seems to be the same on the evaluation board.
In adition to this problem, white noise is generated in the codec. When I set the codec in "power down bypass mode", the sound is nice an clear, but when I instead send the signal through the PGA->ADC->DAC, whitenoise is added to the signal. The PGA is set to 0dB. When raising the sampling frequency to 96kHz, the noise is minimized, but still loud enough to be irritating.
The power amplifier curcuit is well tested, and has no problems.
Any idea on how to solve the problems?
Thank you