I recently purchased a PCM5142EVM-U for product validation and I'm working through the user guide. I'm running on Windows 10 and the board gets recognized as a USB-miniEVM with all the peripherals showing in Device Manager (microphones & speakers as well as the controller). All good so far!
Section #3 of the user guide (UG) then intrroduced CodecControl, which I found after a bit of digging as slac493a.zip. I run the main executable (CodecControl.exe) and the program finds my board because the main window displays the EVM block diagram with the SPDIF, Sample Rate and other radio buttons available for selection. Still looking good!
Then section 3.3 of the UG starts mentioning the active objects (switches, volume controls, etc.) so I should be able to directly configure the board.
NOTE: Active Objects: Each active object changes color to red if the cursor is placed over the
object. Clicking the object triggers its function.
The problem is that the behaviour described in the note does not occur. I can click anywhere in the window and the only thngs I can modify are the radio buttons for SPDIF, Sample Rate, etc. This seems to be exactly the same behaviour when running with a New EVM simulation but I don't have to pick that option on the menu during startup. If the board is plugged in the program opens a block diagram. If I subsequently disconnect the board the block diagram goes away.
I submitted a request for access to PurePath Studio today so if all my problems go away with that then great but I would like to know why CodecControl is not working as described in the UG. Maybe I have a defective board?
Any assistance would be appreciated.