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TPA2039D1: ESD Rating of TPA2039D1YFFR

Part Number: TPA2039D1

What ESD rating of TPA2039D1YFFR?

Although we checked datasheet and we confirmed with TI Customer support center,we could not find any information.

Best regards.

  • Hi, Chiba-san,

    We will take a look at the information that we have about this device and let you know if we find the value that you are looking for. We will reply once we have something.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Chiba-san,

    Please refer to the below table:

    Electrostatic discharge
    Human-body model (HBM)
    Charged-device model (CDM)

    We'll add these in the next data sheet update for this device.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer - Low Power Audio & Actuators