I have a stereo design using the TPA2016D2RTJ Class D Amplifier.
It is a reasonably new product, that drives 2 speakers in stereo. The design works as expected, but after some time in the field, a low volume 'ticking' noise comes from BOTH speakers. It is always present and fairly low volume, but quickly becoming a nuisance. At this point, it is about a 10% exposure in the field. Product return analysis root caused the ticking to the amplifier itself. Replacing the amplifier resolves the issue. To the best of my knowledge, the application notes are being followed. Any thought or insight is greatly appreciated.
- Source is Stereo, Single Ended from NXP SGTL5000 Stereo Codec
- We have speaker AND headphone output. Headphone output does NOT go through the TPA2016 and there is NO ticking on the headphone lines, so source of ticking manifests in the TPA2016.
- Initialization of TPA2016 happens at startup and the AMP is ALWAYS on. I2C simply controls gain registers.
Thanks and look forward to any insight!